Why “A Well-Designed Egg”?

I know, this question is spinning in your head… :)

When choosing the new name for my blog I wanted to go for something unusual and memorable, catchy and maybe a bit funny, but still meaningful and relevant. The name "A Well-Designed Egg" attracted me immediately because it combines two seemingly contrasting concepts: "egg" (something absolutely natural, and we had nothing to do with its “design“) and "well-designed." (something that has undergone the long process of thinking, planning, and crafting/manufacturing by a human).

When it comes to design, an egg can be associated with various concepts and ideas. Here are some examples:

  1. Aesthetics: A well-designed egg may refer to its visual appearance, including its shape, color, and texture. Eggs with smooth shells, uniform shapes, and consistent colors are often considered visually appealing.

  2. Minimalism: Eggs are often used as a symbol of minimalism in design due to their simple, unadorned shape. The smooth, oval form of an egg can be seen as a representation of minimalist design principles, which emphasize simplicity, functionality, and elegance.

  3. Simplicity: Eggs are often used as a symbol of simplicity in design, as their basic form and structure can represent a minimalist and uncomplicated approach to design. A well-designed egg may convey a sense of elegance, purity, and understated beauty.

  4. Harmony: Eggs are often associated with harmonious design due to their smooth, symmetrical shape. They can symbolize balance, symmetry, and proportion, which are important principles in many design disciplines, including architecture, product design, and graphic design.

  5. Innovation: Eggs are sometimes used in design to represent innovation and creativity, as they can be seen as a symbol of new beginnings and fresh ideas. A well-designed egg may evoke a sense of innovation, originality, and forward-thinking design concepts.

  6. Functionality: Eggs are often associated with functionality in design, a well-designed egg may symbolize practicality, efficiency, and purposeful design solutions.

  7. Elegance: Eggs can be used to represent elegance in design due to their smooth, simple form and graceful curves. A well-designed egg may evoke a sense of refinement, sophistication, and timeless beauty.

  8. Craftsmanship: Eggs can be associated with craftsmanship in design, as their delicate shells require careful handling and attention to detail. Well-designed eggs may symbolize craftsmanship, precision, and meticulous attention to detail in the design process.

P.S. I hope you like the name of my blog. Maybe you don’t. But if you tell some of your friends: “Omg, that crazy girl from Instagram named her blog after an egg, have a look - here is the link, ha-ha!“. And your friends like: “Ha-ha, that’s crazy, what was she thinking?! I have to show it to my friends too (sending the link further…) - that would be great, because that is exactly what I was going after when choosing such a name :)))

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