Coffee Table Books + Magazines + Cookbooks “Library“ - My Current Selection.

My top and current selection of coffee table books and magazines on all my favorite topics: design, interiors, art, architecture, cookbooks, travel destinations, lifestyle, photography… I’m very keen regarding the choice of any book and never choose a book or magazine just because the cover is super well-designed, though I love deeply well-designed covers…I want to enjoy (or find them useful) the “insides“ too, whether it is text or pictures…)

This page includes affiliate links – my full disclosure statement is available here.

Click right on the image to check the price and details (external links). And please, pay attention to language - most books are in English, but some are in German.

Also, I was mostly adding links to German bookstores or to (for magazines) official websites, but many of these books and magazines can be also found in the New Mags online shop with which I’m happy to have cooperation - so my readers can use my 20% discount code IRINA20 when shopping there :)

I’ll be adding new books to this list from time to time (It’s hard to add them all at once, especially magazines, where I have several issues of each magazine), so makes sense to check this page couple of months later, if you are interested :)

The 20 Takeaways List.

Sign up for my newsletter and get the “My 20 favorite practical interior styling takeaways from all interior design/decoration books and online courses I’ve ever read or attended (seasoned with my side notes from my own experience)” list...

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What else:

14 rules of my mix of Nordic & Japanese warm minimalism = “Japandi” interior style.

40+ places to find and buy vintage items! [ Updated ]

3 Interior Design / Interior Styling Books I can safely recommend [ useful and beautiful ].


True Trullo Experience: Our 1-Week Summer Vacation in a Traditional Apulian House (unique Airbnb experience).


[ DIY ] My Black IKEA Kitchen Makeover. Total cost of the makeover: 200 euro.